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Limb Preservation

Unfortunately, trauma, cancer, infection or even some congenital conditions may put someone at risk for losing an arm or leg. At Panorama Orthopedics & Spine Center, we take this seriously and provide every option available to avoid amputation and improve function. We are committed to providing our patients the newest reconstructive procedures and the best medical advancements to save limbs, whenever possible.

Dr. Jeremy Kinder and Dr Ron Hugate are a team specially trained in limb preservation. Dr. Kinder trained at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, IL and is specialized in reconstructive orthopedic surgery.  This special training allows him to tackle the toughest cases.

Dr Jeremy Kinder

Both Dr Kinder and Dr Hugate often take referrals from other orthopedic surgeons across the state and region for patients who need the highest level of orthopedic care.

limb preservation

Dr Ron Hugate

Dr Hugate is specially trained in orthopedic oncology and he treats both children and adults with limb threatening conditions. Through his training at the Mayo Clinic and subsequent years of experience, he has developed an expertise in limb-sparing reconstructive techniques. He has worked extensively with bone, muscle, and joint tumors of all types and treats every patient with surgical skill and compassion. Having been an Army surgeon for 16 years (with deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan to work at combat hospitals there), Dr. Hugate also has extensive experience working with traumatic injuries and traumatic amputations.

When limb amputation is necessary, both Dr Hugate and Dr Kinder offer the most advanced surgical options for improving an amputee’s function and optimizing prosthetic use and rehabilitation. They consult with patients about all the available alternatives to find the best possible solution to help them continue to lead full and active lives.

Limb Preservation Team