We Will Be Closed September 2nd for Labor Day


The Panorama Blog

Considering Spine Surgery?  Consider A Second Opinion. 

Posted on July 21, 2020

Do I really need to have spine surgery?  Will it relieve my symptoms?  Will I become paralyzed if I don’t have surgery? How long will the recovery be? These are some of the many questions patients have when they are considering spine surgery.  Deciding whether or not surgery is right fo you is a big decision … read more

Dry Needling for Orthopedic Injuries

Posted on June 16, 2020

Dry needling is a technique used by physical therapists to aid in the treatment and healing of some injuries. It is a fairly new and modern, evidence-based intervention for the treatment of pain and dysfunction in musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, shoulder impingement, tennis elbow, headaches, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and low back pain, … read more

Patient Safety in the Midst of the Coronavirus

Posted on March 10, 2020

Patient safety is always a top priority at Panorama Orthopedics & Spine Center. With Coronavirus (COVID19) now in Colorado, we want our patients to know that we have implemented several new procedures and protocols in an effort to keep our staff and our patients safe and healthy. We will continue to be in close contact … read more

Partial Knee Replacement – A Total Solution to A Partial Problem

Posted on January 27, 2020

There tends be a lot of questions and often misconceptions around partial knee replacement. Is it as good as a total knee replacement? Why get a partial knee replacement when I can get a full replacement?  Some patients are skeptical because they think a partial replacement may only be a temporary solution.  If I get … read more

Looking at Bone Density A Little Closer with a Trebecular Bone Score

Posted on May 23, 2019

When it comes to osteoporosis and bone health, getting a picture is an important step to fully understanding a patient’s condition and giving an accurate diagnosis. For many years the gold standard for assessing bone quality and diagnosing osteoporosis has been a DXA (dual x-ray absorptiometry) test. A DXA test helps identify bone strength and … read more