We Will Be Closed September 2nd for Labor Day


The Panorama Blog

9 Panorama Physicians Named 2022 Top Doctors by 5280 Magazine

Posted on August 3, 2022

Each year, 5280 asks physicians in the Denver area who they would trust to treat themselves or a loved one. Each doctor in the area with a valid Colorado medical license can fill out the ballot to vote on each doctor by specialty. You can learn more about the process here.  This year, 343 doctors … read more

Dr. Horner Takes on Body Building – 100% Naturally

Posted on August 1, 2022

Over the next three months, Dr. Mike Horner is training for a body building competition, with nothing but consistent hard work, healthy nutrition, and an expert team at the Panorama Institute  “What’s something you’ve never done that you’ve always wanted to do?”  For Dr. Michael Horner, that question launched a five-month journey of disciplined training … read more

How a Patient with a Hip Labral Tear Got Her Life Back

Posted on July 21, 2022

Over 3 years ago, Katie was in a car accident.  Little did she know that day would lead to years of pain flaring up in her right hip from a labral tear.  Katie’s an active mom of four kids.  She loves to run, water and snow ski, and spend time with friends and family.  When … read more

The Best Brands For Your Foot Type – According to the Experts

Posted on June 29, 2022

Panorama Physical Therapy Foot and Ankle Team  Some common questions we receive as clinicians from our patients being treated for foot/ankle pathologies are: What type of shoes should I buy? What brand is best? What shoe is best for my foot? Unfortunately, as with most answers in the physical therapy world, the simplest answer we … read more

To Ice or Not to Ice a Sprained Ankle

Posted on December 14, 2021

Rest, ice, compression, and elevation or RICE, as it is commonly known, has been the standard of treatment for injuries since the acronym was coined by Dr. Gabe Mirkin in 1978 in “Sportsmedicine Book.” Since that time, RICE has been considered the standard in caring for injuries.  You would be hard-pressed to find someone who … read more