If you have painful bunions, there is a new, patented treatment option that aims to fix the root cause of the bunion and can often times have patients walking again within days of the surgery.
If you have painful bunions, there is a new, patented treatment option that aims to fix the root cause of the bunion and can often times have patients walking again within days of the surgery.
Bunions can be very painful. With each step, your entire body weight rests on that bunion. Ouch! A common misconception about a bunion is that it is an overgrowth of bone that can simply be “shaved off”. In reality, bunions are complex deformities caused by an unstable joint.
Lapiplasty 3D bunion correction is the newest way to address and repair bunions. Dr Desai is offering this innovative treatment option which does more than simply remove “the bump”; it addresses the bunion in three dimensions to correct the root of the problem. Advanced fixation technology is used to secure the correction in place, allowing patients to walk within days of surgery. Sometimes traditional surgery has failed to get to the true source of the problem – a 3-dimensional deformity caused by an unstable joint. This is why sometimes people who have had traditional surgery have had their bunions return.
Unlike traditional surgery that cuts and shifts the bone to address only the cosmetic bump, the patented Lapiplasty® Procedure:
Lapiplasty® 3D Correction
Traditional 2D Surgery
The patented titanium plating technology used with Lapiplasty® enables patients to bear weight on their foot early – up to 6-8 weeks earlier than with traditional approaches.
Being able to walk in a surgical boot, rather than being completely non-weight bearing (with casts, scooters, or crutches) means you’ll get back to a better quality of life faster.
If bunions are limiting your activities and lifestyle, Lapiplasty® may help!
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American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS) Website ©2023 https://www.foothealthfacts.org/conditions/bunions
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