Shoulder “as good as new” after Rotator Cuff Surgery
A local entrepreneur’s recovery after rotator cuff surgery with Dr. Daniel Haber following a motor vehicle accident Meet Michael Penhale: full time tattoo artist, owner of Curbside Skatepark, and owner of the food truck, Churro Face. Since he was 11 years old, he has been a sponsored skateboarder in Colorado. His passion for skateboarding has … read more
For the Dreams of Dance
Austin Price shares her journey of returning to dance after going through a right ankle surgery at the age of 12 with Dr. Conklin. Photo courtesy of Austin Price and the Colorado Conservatory of Dance as an Arabian Nutcracker. The one thing in my life that has always remained consistent is my love of dance. … read more
How a Patient with a Hip Labral Tear Got Her Life Back
Over 3 years ago, Katie was in a car accident. Little did she know that day would lead to years of pain flaring up in her right hip from a labral tear. Katie’s an active mom of four kids. She loves to run, water and snow ski, and spend time with friends and family. When … read more