From Pain to Peak Performance: A Former Elite Athlete’s Journey Back to an Active Life
For Tom, an accomplished former elite-level runner, shoulder pain had become a constant companion, limiting his ability to enjoy the outdoor activities that defined his life. The pain, which affected both shoulders but primarily his left, reached a breaking point after a fall on ice and some strenuous yard work. That’s when he knew it … read more
Life After a 13-foot Fall
Benjamin Smith shares how Dr. Jared Foran’s dedication not only saved his life, but also inspired him to change his career to healthcare so that he could do the same for others. “There was before the fall and after the fall.” Benjamin Smith was working as a building inspector in 2017, when the ladder fell … read more
Finally Pain Free: Three Hip Replacements in Three Years
Terry shares how his right hip revision surgery by Dr. Jesse Chrastil gave him his life back As Terry entered his third hip replacement surgery in less than three years, he did so with complete confidence… despite his last experience. The difference was Dr. Jesse Chrastil and his team at Panorama. Terry had his first … read more
Patient Overcomes Bone Cancer with Orthopedic Oncology
Todd Musselman came to Dr. Ronald Hugate with a tumor from elbow to shoulder. He left with full use of his arm and fingers. Family man Todd Musselman is a professional musician and lifestyle coach. Happily married and living in Steamboat, Colorado, Todd shares three adult children with his wife. In February 2020, Todd went … read more
D1 Athlete Returns to Sport after Bilateral Hip Arthroscopy
University of Denver Soccer Player describes her experience with Dr. Daniel Haber and her smooth return to an active lifestyle As a D1 college athlete, Anna is passionate about living an active lifestyle. She has always loved soccer, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and long-distance running. When she moved to Colorado to play D1 College … read more