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Physical Therapy at Panorama Ortho

Dive into PT with our Warm Water Pool

When it comes to physical therapy, it’s hard to beat the options available at Panorama Orthopedics & Spine Center in metro Denver. Panorama patients have access not only to highly trained physical therapists and state-of-the-art equipment, but they also have access to a warm water physical therapy pool.

Anyone who enjoys swimming or has participated in an aquatic exercise program knows water’s buoyancy and warmth can be soothing to joints and muscles, while also providing a good workout. Panorama’s warm water pool therapy couples those benefits with the components of a successful physical therapy program.

“Warm water therapy helps relax muscles, increase blood flow and support a person’s body weight, allowing for ease of movement,” said Liz Erikson, a member of Panorama’s physical therapy team. “It allows a patient to get stronger in a more comfortable setting.”

The pool is located in suite 130 of Panorama’s medical campus in Golden. It is kept at 95 degrees, and there are stairs with rails to assist patients in entering.

Patients participating in Panorama’s physical therapy program have access to the pool if their therapist determines it will be helpful in their recovery. It is commonly made available to patients who are obese and moderately deconditioned, those recovering from joint replacement or back surgery, and patients with arthric pain.

“These patients all will do well in the warm pool,” said Erikson. “Programs can help address balance, flexibility, gait mechanics, core strengthening and upper and lower body strengthening. The pool is as shallow as four feet in some areas, but there is also a deep end allowing for a cardiovascular workout when appropriate.”

Each patient’s pool therapy program is individualized to address his or her needs. Therapists work one on one with patients to help them achieve maximum independence and meet their recovery goals.